Monero Talk
Is Monero the truest cryptocurrency?
We found 1 episode of Monero Talk with the tag “anonymous”.
The Fight for Anonymous Digital Cash w/ Nopara EPI #296
January 12th, 2024 | 1 hr 29 mins
anonymous, bitcoin, blockchain, crypto, cryptocurrency, fungible, monero, monerotalk, monerotopia, nopara, privacy, privacycoin, samaurai, wasabiwallet, xmr
TODAY'S 🎙SHOW: Douglas Tuman interviews Nopara, the creator of Bitcoin's Wasabi wallet who has announced is he moving on from being the face of the project and will pursue other things.
The two discuss the need for uncensorable digital cash and what it will take to make it both unstoppable and user friendly, Does Monero already serve this purpose? What challenges are currently being faced by Bitcoin if it is digital cash?
The two also dive into Nopara's history with Wasabi wallet and the state of privacy on Bitcoin. Nopara also gives us his take on Samaurai v Wasabi. Please note, Doug hopes to have someone from the Samaurai project on soon to offer their response and take too.