Monero Talk
Is Monero the truest cryptocurrency?
We found 1 episode of Monero Talk with the tag “bitcointakeoverpodcast”.
MoneroTopia24 MC & Discussing Why He Is Stacking Privacy Coins w/ Vlad Costea | EPI 321
August 25th, 2024 | 2 hrs 12 mins
bitcoin, bitcointakeover, bitcointakeoverpodcast, blockchain, crypto, cryptocurrency, freedomgainsfund, fungible, monero, monerotalk, monerotopia, privacy, privacycoin, vladcostea, xmr
TODAY'S SHOW: Douglas Tuman interviews Vlad Costea of the Bitcoin Takeover podcast.
Vlad discusses his recent interest in privacy coins like Monero and his 'Freedom Gains Fund' where he is investing in these coins to outperform Bitcoin. He expresses frustration with the lack of privacy and fungibility in Bitcoin, and the resistance from Bitcoin maximalists to implement these features. Watch as Vlad shares his experience trying to buy Monero live on the show.
They also talk about upcoming events like Monero Topia, where Vlad will be the MC, his plans to launch a privacy-focused magazine & much more!