Monero Talk
Is Monero the truest cryptocurrency?
We found 8 episodes of Monero Talk with the tag “fluffypony”.
Price Report w/ aFungible & special guest, MoneroFox! EPI #61:
April 25th, 2022 | 1 hr 20 mins
bitcoin, blockchain, cakewallet, crypto, cryptocurrency, decentralized, fluffypony, localmonero, monero, monerofox, moneronews, monerun, privacy, privacycoin, technology, xmr, xmrnews
Riccardo "fluffypony" Spagni and Naveen Jain: Tari
May 22nd, 2020 | 1 hr 44 secs
bitcoin, blockchain, crypto, cryptocurrency, decentralized, fluffypony, monero, moneronews, naveenjain, privacy, privacycoin, riccardofluffyponyspagni, riccardospagni, technology, xmr, xmrnews
TODAY'S 🎙SHOW: Douglas Tuman chats with Riccardo "fluffypony" Spagni and Naveen Jain from Tari about Tari's testnet alpha launch.
Paul Shapiro CEO & Lead Dev at MyMonero
March 1st, 2020 | 1 hr 14 mins
bitcoin, blockchain, crypto, cryptocurrency, decentralized, fluffypony, monero, moneronews, mymonero, privacy, privacycoin, technology, xmr, xmrnewspaulshapiro
TODAY'S 🎙SHOW: Chowbungaman chats with Paul Shapiro CEO - lead dev at MyMonero about Improving Monero Usability with MyMonero.
36C3 PART 1: Riccardo Spagni on Tari & Monero and Joel Gugger on Monero Atomic Swaps
January 6th, 2020 | 45 mins 26 secs
bitcoin, blockchain, crypto, cryptocurrency, decentralized, fluffypony, h4sh3d, joelgugger, joelh4sh3dgugger, monero, moneronews, privacy, privacycoin, riccardofluffyponyspagni, riccardospagni, technology, xmr, xmrnews
Monero Talk interviewed 10 Monero related speakers during the 36C3 Hackers Conference in Leipzig, Germany and will be releasing them all. In this episode, we interviewed Riccardo "Fluffypony" Spagni on Tari & Monero and Joel "h4sh3d" Gugger on Monero Atomic Swaps.
LIVE w/ Fluffy Pony & Howard Chu at MoneroKon 2019!
June 23rd, 2019 | 5 mins 46 secs
bitcoin, blockchain, crypto, cryptocurrency, decentralized, fluffypony, howardchu, konferenco, konferenco2019, monero, monerokon, monerokon2019, monerokonferenco, moneronews, privacy, privacycoin, riccardospagni, technology, xmr, xmrnews
LIVE w/ Fluffy Pony & Howard Chu at MoneroKon 2019!
Fluffypony on the history of Monero on the 5th Moneroversary
April 18th, 2019 | 54 mins 21 secs
bitcoin, blockchain, crypto, cryptocurrency, decentralized, fluffypony, historyofmonero, monero, monerocoffeechat, moneronews, moneroversary, privacy, privacycoin, technology, xmr, xmrnews
This Moneroversary showcase consists of several live events celebrating Monero's 5th anniversary.
15 minutes: check-in with Riat in Vienna
45 minutes: Monero's History with fluffypony -
Is Monero digital cash? w/ Riccardo Spagni aka Fluffypony
April 4th, 2019 | 1 hr 17 mins
bitcoin, blockchain, crypto, cryptocurrency, decentralized, digitalcash, fluffypony, monero, moneronews, privacy, privacycoin, riccardospagni, tari, technology, xmr, xmrnews
We asked Riccardo Spagni, aka @fluffypony, aka the CEO (Chief Entertainment Officer) of Monero some big questions !
Is Monero the truest crypto currency of them all? Is Monero humanities greatest hope against the rise of surveillance capitalism?
What motivates you to work in Monero? Are you a crypto anarchist or cypherpunk trying to build tech that will give humans more liberty ?
Is Monero more aligned with cypherpunk/cryptoanarchist ideals than bitcoin? Why aren’t the idealist Bitcoiners like Andreas Antonopolous more serious about Monero ?
Is bitcoin is dangerous because it fools very smart people into opting into a future where all our transactions on our transparent ledger?
Do we even have want to be added to Coinbase now? Not being added seems to be the best indicator that we are doing something right. Coinbase can’t handle true digital cash.
What are reproducible builds? Will they help make Monero more decentralized in terms of development?
Is bitcoin digital gold? Isn’t Monero be better digital gold since it’s fungible at the protocol level?
Do you think it will be one coin to rule them all?
How do you feel about the state of Monero today? Are we currently digital cash? Have we achieved it ?
Is Monero’s mining more decentralized than Bitcoin’s?
What strategy will Monero be taking to thwart ASICs?
When will ASICs become commoditized and when we will we welcome them on the Monero network?
What can be done to prevent an undetectable inflation bug in Monero ? Is it possible to be perfectly binding and blinding?
What do you think about Monero’s tail emission v Bitcoin’s fixed supply ? Is Monero effectively more secure because of it? Is it possible that one day Bitcoin’s max cap will have to be raised? Isn’t gold disinflationary like Monero?
What do people mean when they say Monero can’t scale? We have dynamic blocksizes? Is it that transactions and the blockchain are too large and you can’t run full nodes? Won’t moors law save us?
Will Monero have Lightning Network?
Will it have a Mimblwimble sidechain?
Why isn’t an ICO use case for Tari ever discussed?
What do you think of the new SEC guidance? Is it another reason why we should move away from pow tweaks? -
Monero Coffee Chat - 2017.11.04
November 4th, 2017 | 51 mins 22 secs
bitcoin, blockchain, crypto, cryptocurrency, decentralized, diego, fluffypony, monero, moneronews, privacy, privacycoin, technology, xmr, xmrnews