Monero Talk
Is Monero the truest cryptocurrency?
We found 2 episodes of Monero Talk with the tag “robertfkennedyjr”.
Is Bitcoin the New Petrodollar? w/ Derrick Broze | EPI 320
July 31st, 2024 | 1 hr 14 mins
bitcoin, bitcoinnashville, blockchain, crypto, cryptocurrency, derrickbroze, fungible, monero, monerotalk, monerotopia, privacy, privacycoin, robertfkennedyjr, xmr
TODAY'S SHOW: Douglas Tuman interviews Derrick Broze, an investigative journalist, about his recent experience at the Bitcoin Nashville conference.
Derrick shares his concerns about the direction of the Bitcoin community, which he feels has strayed from its original vision of being an alternative currency free from government control. He expresses disappointment that privacy and projects like Monero are not given more attention, and that the focus has shifted towards mainstream investment opportunities.
Derrick also discusses his past interactions with Robert F. Kennedy Jr., the potential co-option of Bitcoin by powerful entities, and the importance of opting out of centralized systems.
LIVE at the 2024 Libertarian National Convention w/ Dr. Bradley Rauch | EPI 312
May 29th, 2024 | 18 mins 36 secs
bitcoin, blockchain, bradleyrauch, crypto, cryptocurrency, fungible, libertariannationalconvention, lnc, monero, monerotalk, monerotopia, privacy, privacycoin, robertfkennedyjr, xmr
TODAY'S SHOW: Douglas Tuman was LIVE at the Libertarian National Convention with Dr. Bradley Rauch, a physician and supporter and doctor of Robert F. Kennedy Jr.'s.
Dr. Rauch discusses his reasons for supporting Kennedy, including his belief that the country is moving towards totalitarianism and losing freedoms like free speech. He shares personal experiences of facing persecution for his views on topics like vaccines and COVID-19 protocols.
Dr. Rauch emphasizes the need for new leadership to restore integrity in the government. He also expresses support for cryptocurrency and digital cash like Monero as a means to maintain financial freedom and prevent government overreach.