Monero Talk

Episode Archive

Episode Archive

549 episodes of Monero Talk since the first episode, which aired on July 10th, 2017.

  • LIVE at the 2024 Libertarian National Convention w/ Dr. Bradley Rauch | EPI 312

    May 29th, 2024  |  18 mins 36 secs
    bitcoin, blockchain, bradleyrauch, crypto, cryptocurrency, fungible, libertariannationalconvention, lnc, monero, monerotalk, monerotopia, privacy, privacycoin, robertfkennedyjr, xmr

    TODAY'S SHOW: Douglas Tuman was LIVE at the Libertarian National Convention with Dr. Bradley Rauch, a physician and supporter and doctor of Robert F. Kennedy Jr.'s.

    Dr. Rauch discusses his reasons for supporting Kennedy, including his belief that the country is moving towards totalitarianism and losing freedoms like free speech. He shares personal experiences of facing persecution for his views on topics like vaccines and COVID-19 protocols.

    Dr. Rauch emphasizes the need for new leadership to restore integrity in the government. He also expresses support for cryptocurrency and digital cash like Monero as a means to maintain financial freedom and prevent government overreach.

  • LIVE from the 2024 Libertarian National Convention in DC! | EPI 167

    May 25th, 2024  |  3 hrs 6 mins
    biden, bitcoin, blockchain, breakingdero, crypto, cryptocurrency, dero, fungible, inflation, libertariannationalconvention2024, lnc, lnc2024, monero, monerotalk, monerotopia, privacy, privacycoin, tokyomoneromeetup, xmr

    MONEROTOPIA EPISODE 167 - LIVE from the Libertarian National Convention 2024 in DC, Price with Bawdy, Guests, News and MUCH MORE!

  • Haveno Demo & Dero Network Deanonymization? w/ Nihilist & techleaks24! Price, News & MORE! | EPI 166

    May 19th, 2024  |  3 hrs 54 mins
    bitcoin, bitcoinminers, blockchain, crypto, cryptocurrency, dero, fungible, haveno, monero, monerotalk, monerotopia, ofrnxmr, privacy, privacycoin, xmr

    MONEROTOPIA EPISODE 166 - Monero Guest Segment with Nihilist & techleaks24, Price Report with Bawdy, News of the week w/ Tux and MUCH MORE!

  • Is Capital Flight into Monero Inevitable? W/ Cryptocomicon | EPI 311

    May 17th, 2024  |  1 hr 16 mins
    bitcoin, blockchain, capitalflight, crypto, cryptocomicon, cryptocurrency, decentralized, developer, financialsystem, fungible, monero, monerotalk, monerotalk2022, monerotopia, p2p, privacy, privacycoin, xmr

    TODAY'S SHOW: Douglas Tuman catches up with Cryptocomicon, a software developer that first appeared on Monero Talk in 2022.

    The conversation revolves around Bitcoin and its scaling challenges, the emergence of Monero, and the impacts of these developments on the existing financial system. Hear about how Monero serves as a decentralized, private, and fungible alternative to traditional finance, facilitating peer-to-peer transactions without intermediaries.

    They also explore the idea of capital flight into Monero as a means of wealth preservation amidst coming financial turmoil and government crackdowns.

  • Monero Outreach @LNC 2024 & Enemies of The State D.C. Bash, Price, News & MUCH More! EPI 165

    May 12th, 2024  |  4 hrs 2 mins
    bitcoin, blockchain, crypto, cryptocurrency, enemiesofthestatedcbash, fungible, irs, lnc2024, localmonero, monero, monerooutreach, monerotalk, monerotopia, privacy, privacycoin, trump, xmr

    MONEROTOPIA EPISODE 165 - Monero Price Report with Bawdy, News of the week w/ Tony, Special guests LNC and FreeNauts to chat about Monero Outreach at the Libertarian National Convention 2024 in DC & Enemies of the State D.C.Bash and MUCH MORE!

  • Privacy is Pro-National Security w/ J.W. Verret | EPI 310

    May 12th, 2024  |  1 hr 3 mins
    bitcoin, bitcoinfog, blockchain, crypto, cryptocurrency, fungible, georgemasonuniversity, jwverret, monero, monerotalk, monerotopia, privacy, privacycoin, romansterlingov, samuraiwallet, tornadocash, uscongress, xmr

    TODAY'S SHOW: Douglas Tuman interviews J.W. Verret, a practicing lawyer and law professor at George Mason University.

    J.W. discusses his role as an expert witness in the Roman Sterlingov trial, where he argued that Sterlingov could not have allegedly ran Bitcoin Fog. J.W. and Doug also talk about the implications of the government's recent overreach related to privacy and cryptocurrency technology by exploring the indictments against Tornado Cash and Samurai Wallet.

    Hear about who in the US Congress are allies in the movement to normalize privacy and the potential hope Monero provides to resist increasing government infringement on privacy.

  • Crypto Swaps w/ WizardSwap! Price, News & MUCH More! | EPI 164

    May 4th, 2024  |  3 hrs 27 mins
    aimodel, bitcoin, blockchain, crypto, cryptocurrency, cryptoswap, fungible, monero, monerotalk, monerotopia, privacy, privacycoin, rogerver, swap, wasabiwallet, wizardswap, xmr

    MONEROTOPIA EPISODE 164 - Guest with new sponsor WizardSwap, Price Report w/ BawdyAnarchist, News of the week w/ Tony and much more!

  • The Imminent Threat of CBDCs w/ Aaron Day | EPI 309

    April 29th, 2024  |  1 hr 36 mins
    aaronday, bitcoin, blockchain, cbdc, crypto, cryptocurrency, digitaltyranny, fungible, governmentcontrol, monero, monerotalk, monerotopia, privacy, privacycoin, xmr

    TODAY'S SHOW: Douglas Tuman interviews Aaron Day - an author, activist, and former presidential candidate. Aaron discusses the potential threat of Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs) and the need for decentralized alternatives.

    He also covers the history and motivations behind the push for CBDCs and just how close we may be to seeing them implemented. They explore the challenges faced by existing cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin in terms of scalability, privacy, and resistance to government control.

    The conversation highlights the importance of privacy-focused cryptocurrencies like Monero, to create a parallel economy as an alternative to CBDCs. They also discuss strategies for onboarding people to preserve individual liberties in the face of potential digital tyranny.

  • Samourai Wallet SHUT DOWN? w/ Seth For Privacy & ArticMine, Price, News & MUCH More! | EPI 163

    April 28th, 2024  |  4 hrs 29 mins
    articmine, bitcoin, blockchain, crypto, cryptocurrency, fungible, irs, monero, monerotalk, monerotopia, privacy, privacycoin, samouraiwallet, sethforprivacy, xmr, xmrt

    MONEROTOPIA EPISODE 163 - Samourai Wallet Shut Down w/ Guests Seth for Privacy & Francisco Cabanas (ArticMine), Price Report w/ BawdyAnarchist, News of the week w/ Tony and much more!

  • In Defense of the Zcash Development Fund with Ian Sagstetter #Monerotopia23

    April 25th, 2024  |  47 mins 15 secs
    bitcoin, blockchain, crypto, cryptocurrency, fungible, iansagstetter, mexicocity, monero, monerotalk, monerotopia, monerotopia23, privacy, privacycoin, xmr, zcash


    OR DONATE HERE: or get Monerotopia24 tickets here:

    Speaker: Ian Sagstetter (Zcash Contributor)

  • Private Assets and Tokens: Spats a New Design with Sarang #Monerotopia23

    April 23rd, 2024  |  39 mins 10 secs
    bitcoin, blockchain, crypto, cryptocurrency, fungible, mexicocity, monero, monerotalk, monerotopia, monerotopia23, privacy, privacycoin, privateassets, sarang, sarangnoether, xmr


    OR DONATE HERE: or get Monerotopia24 tickets here:

    Speaker: Sarang Noether (Monero Research Contributor)

  • Monero 10th Birthday Celebration! w/ Recanman, Price Report, News & MUCH More! EPI 162

    April 19th, 2024  |  3 hrs 21 mins
    10yearsbirthday, bitcoin, blockchain, crypto, cryptocurrency, fungible, halving, monero, monerotalk, monerotopia, privacy, privacycoin, recanman, xmr, xmrbirthday

    MONEROTOPIA EPISODE 162 - Monero 10th Birthday Celebration w/ Guest Recanman, Price Report w/ BawdyAnarchist, News of the week w/ Tux and much more!

  • Full Chain Membership Proofs and Beyond w/ Luke Parker aka KayabaNerve | EPI 308

    April 16th, 2024  |  2 hrs 9 mins
    bitcoin, blockchain, crypto, cryptocurrency, fcmp, fcmps, fungible, kayabanerve, lukeparker, monero, monerotalk, monerotopia, privacy, privacycoin, seraphis, xmr

    TODAY'S SHOW: In this episode Douglas Tuman interviews Luke Parker (aka "KayabaNerve”) as part of a Monerotopia segment. Normally we don’t publish the MoneroTopia special guest segments as a MoneroTalk, but this one is not to be missed!

    Luke offers some mind bending insights into the development, implementation , and implications of Full Chain Membership Proofs (FCMPs). Luke describes what he sees as being the path toward implementing them into Monero prior to the Seraphis upgrade. They cover the potential timeline for implementation, with Luke aiming to have it ready within six months, and the possibility of presenting the completed work at the next Monerotopia conference!

  • MoneroTopia Episode 161 - Price, Dev, News & MUCH More!

    April 14th, 2024  |  3 hrs 38 mins
    americansspied, bitcoin, blockchain, bulletproofs, chainanalysis, crypto, cryptocurrency, fungible, haveno, irs, monero, monerotalk, monerotopia, privacy, privacycoin, xmr

    MONEROTOPIA EPISODE 161 - Price Report w/ BawdyAnarchist, News of the week w/ Tony + Development Segment w/ Hundehausen and much more!

  • Part II of The Future of Zano & the Cryptonote Protocol w/ Andrey Sabelnikov | EPI 307

    April 9th, 2024  |  47 mins 39 secs
    andreysabelnikov, bitcoin, blockchain, crypto, cryptocurrency, ethereum, fungible, monero, monerotalk, monerotopia, nicolasvansaberhagen, privacy, privacycoin, proofofstake, xmr, zano, zarcanum, zoidberg

    TODAY'S SHOW: In part two of Douglas Tuman’s interview with Andrey starts with a discussion about cryptonote white paper author, Nicolas van Saberhagen, aka the Satoshi of Monero, and his potential thoughts on Monero and Zano and what he may think about how the CryptoNote protocol has evolved since inventing it.

    The conversation delves into Zano's confidential assets feature and use cases such as creating a privacy-focused stable coin and decentralized bridges for exchanging assets from other blockchains. They also cover regulatory challenges and the project developments that make Monero and Zano censorship resistant.

  • Full Chain Membership Proofs w/ Luke Parker, News & MUCH More! EPI 160

    April 6th, 2024  |  3 hrs 46 secs
    bitcoin, blockchain, crypto, cryptocurrency, fullchain, fungible, lukeparker, membershipproofs, monero, monerotalk, monerotopia, monezon, privacy, privacycoin, rucknium, xmr

    MONEROTOPIA 💃🏽🏝🕺🏼 EPISODE 160 - Monero Full Chain Membership Proofs proposal w/ Luke Parker! + News of the week w/ Tony and much more!