Why Tornado Cash Free Speech defense was rejected in Court w/ Tor Ekeland Mike Hassardl | EPI 329
October 21st, 2024
1 hr 18 mins 9 secs
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TODAY'S 🎙SHOW: Douglas Tuman interviews Michael Hassard, an attorney from Tor Ekeland Law known for defending clients in federal criminal trials, especially in cases involving technology and cryptocurrency.
He dives into their current legal battles and discusses their defamation lawsuit against Chainalysis for falsely labeling their client’s cryptocurrency project as a scam, as well as the broader implications of government overreach in cases related to digital privacy, cryptocurrency, and open-source development.
Michael provides his take on the Tornado Cash and Samaurai cases. Including how charges of conspiracy to commit money laundering are being abused by prosecutors. Tune in as they break down the intersection of law, technology, and privacy rights.
Various privacy tech projects and philosophical concerns about privacy, regulation, and technology are explored throughout the spaces!
(03:25) Intro to ChainAnalysis Defamation Case
(19:18) Government overreach with cryptocurrency regulation
(20:06) Main legal cases and their progression
(21:15) Bitcoin Fog case deep dive
(22:10) Samurai Wallet and Tornado Cash differences
(33:00) Legal limitations and free speech
(34:15) Discussion on cryptography regulation history
(36:00) Tornado Cash ruling
(38:30) Importance of financial privacy
(40:15) Developer responsibility for code misuse
(41:30) Chainalysis, government, and the private sector
(46:00) Monero adoption and community growth
(48:00) Monero’s long-term future
(50:06) MoneroTopia 2024
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