Monero Talk

Is Monero the truest cryptocurrency?

About the show

Monero Talk broadcasts weekly conversations on YouTube ( with topical guests to understand what the Monero cryptocurrency is today and what it hopes to become.

We strive to give birth to new Monero users by simply reporting on the facts in our search to answer the question--Is Monero the truest cryptocurrency of them all? In staying true to the Monero ethos, we aim to always be skeptical. While we are Monero Talk by name, and Monero devotees at heart, the intention of the show is to ultimately discover and support the one blockchain that is most aligned with the original cypherpunk and crypto-anarchist ideals that cryptocurrency was born from. And the one that is most likely to succeed at becoming true digital cash. So far, we believe Monero is the one.

Guests include:
The developers and researchers working on the open source core protocol and the cryptography behind it;
The people building the projects and infrastructure supporting the protocol;
Privacy advocates and people building privacy enhancing technologies;
Analysts and investors speculating on Monero's growth;
Journalists and pundits weighing in on Monero's place in the crypto-sphere; and
Respected (sometimes controversial) contributors and community members.

If you enjoyed the show & would like to support us, a donation of any size would be greatly appreciated and would mean so much!

Monero (XMR) Donation Address:

Monero Talk on social media


  • Ring Signatures and more with Justin Ehrenhofer

    September 15th, 2018  |  1 hr 38 mins
    bitcoin, blockchain, btc, crypto, cryptocurrency, decentralized, justinehrenhofer, monero, moneronews, privacy, privacycoin, ringsignatures, scaling, technology, xmr, xmrnews

    A chat with Justin Ehrenhofer, aka @SamsungGalaxyPlayer of the open source project we know and love, Monero.

  • Monero Talk with Felix Honigwachs of GloBee

    September 14th, 2018  |  55 mins 55 secs
    bitcoin, blockchain, btc, crypto, cryptocurrency, decentralized, felixhonigwachs, globee, monero, moneronews, privacy, privacycoin, technology, xmr, xmrnews

    What is Globee and what is it trying to become? When will Monero really be used as a currency?

  • Dr. Sarang Noether's Monero Research Lab Monthly Report

    September 6th, 2018  |  1 hr 13 mins
    bitcoin, blockchain, btc, bulletproofs, crypto, cryptocurrency, decentralized, monero, moneronews, moneroresearchlab, privacy, privacycoin, sarangnoether, technology, xmr, xmrnews, zcash

    A talk with Dr. Sarang Noether regarding his August monthly Monero Research report. Our hope is to cast episodes monthly on the updated research reports of the Monero Research Lab.

    We will also talk about the Monero Research Lab in general, who it is composed of, how it functions, and what it's goals are.

    Let's see if we can keep up with Noether!

  • The Road to Monero with Chris DeRose

    August 29th, 2018  |  1 hr 26 mins
    bitcoin, bitcoinmaximalism, blockchain, btc, chrisderose, crypto, cryptocurrency, decentralized, monero, moneronews, privacy, privacycoin, technology, xmr, xmrnews

    Whaaat's up Monero People ;) We are talking with Chris DeRose about Bitcoin Maximalism, his history in the crypto space, and how he arrived at Monero. Can't wait to be able to question and unwrap Chris's always insightful thoughts.

  • MyMonero IOS App with Paul Shapiro

    August 21st, 2018  |  51 mins 39 secs
    bitcoin, blockchain, crypto, cryptocurrency, decentralized, ioswallet, monero, moneronews, mymonero, paulshapiro, privacy, privacycoin, technology, xmr, xmrnews

    An interview with Paul Shapiro; CEO of MyMonero. We will be talking about the MyMonero IOS app that recently launched, what MyMonero is focusing on next, and upcoming Monero developments.

  • Monero Coffee Chat - 2018.08.18

    August 18th, 2018  |  59 mins 48 secs
    bitcoin, blockchain, crypto, cryptocurrency, decentralized, monero, moneronews, privacy, privacycoin, technology, xmr, xmrnews
  • Church of Monero

    August 16th, 2018  |  43 mins 30 secs
    bitcoin, blockchain, churchofmonero, crypto, cryptocurrency, decentralized, monero, moneronews, monerooutreach, privacy, privacycoin, technology, xeagu, xmr, xmrnews

    A talk with Xeagu on the Monero Outreach Group, Church of Monero and other wild and crazy things!

  • Monero Double Count Bug with Morphtoken

    July 24th, 2018  |  27 mins 35 secs
    bitcoin, blockchain, bug, crypto, cryptocurrency, decentralized, doublecount, monero, moneronews, morphtoken, privacy, privacycoin, technology, xmr, xmrnews

    Apparently there was a bug that caused some issues in Monero land. It has all been fixed but we want to talk about what the bug was & more importantly how the community handled it. Maybe there are things we can do next go-around to improve how warnings are issued...or maybe this is just how open source is.

  • Bitcoin ETF and as always Monero!

    July 23rd, 2018  |  34 mins 58 secs
    bitcoin, blockchain, crypto, cryptocurrency, cryptoregulation, decentralized, etf, exchangetradedfund, monero, moneronews, privacy, privacycoin, sec, technology, ussecuritiesandexchangecommission, xmr, xmrnews

    Will a Bitcion ETF raise all crypto ships?

  • Decentralization: Monero vs. Bitcoin

    July 23rd, 2018  |  56 mins 59 secs
    bitcoin, blockchain, crypto, cryptocurrency, cryptoregulation, decentralized, monero, moneronews, privacy, privacycoin, technology, xmr, xmrnews

    Is Monero more decentralized than Bitcoin? Maybe, but more importantly, it is more censorship resistant than Bitcoin.

  • Regulation of Monero

    July 18th, 2018  |  49 mins 39 secs
    bitcoin, blockchain, cryptocurrency, cryptography, cryptonote, decentralized, monero, moneronews, privacy, techhistory, technology, xmr, xmrnews

    Our first episode of Monero Talk! We hope to make this a weekly thing. It is time. Monero needs a YouTube show. We are not core developers or anything - we are just Monero fanatics. We hope to get respected community members to join the show once in awhile. The mission is to report on all things Monero and to broadcast the revolution!

  • Monero Coffee Chat - 2018.07.14

    July 14th, 2018  |  1 hr 7 mins
    bitcoin, blockchain, crypto, cryptocurrency, decentralized, monero, moneronews, privacy, privacycoin, technology, xmr, xmrnews
  • Monero Coffee Chat - 2018.06.02

    June 2nd, 2018  |  58 mins 58 secs
    bitcoin, blockchain, crypto, cryptocurrency, decentralized, monero, moneronews, privacy, privacycoin, technology, xmr, xmrnews
  • Monero Coffee Chat - 2018.05.05

    May 5th, 2018  |  1 hr 7 mins
    bitcoin, blockchain, crypto, cryptocurrency, decentralized, monero, moneronews, privacy, privacycoin, technology, xmr, xmrnews
  • Monero Coffee Chat - 2018.04.07

    April 7th, 2018  |  58 mins 57 secs
    bitcoin, blockchain, crypto, cryptocurrency, decentralized, monero, moneronews, privacy, privacycoin, technology, xmr, xmrnews
  • Monero Coffee Chat - 2018.03.10

    March 10th, 2018  |  54 mins 44 secs
    bitcoin, blockchain, crypto, cryptocurrency, decentralized, monero, moneronews, privacy, privacycoin, technology, xmr, xmrnews