Monero Talk

Is Monero the truest cryptocurrency?

About the show

Monero Talk broadcasts weekly conversations on YouTube ( with topical guests to understand what the Monero cryptocurrency is today and what it hopes to become.

We strive to give birth to new Monero users by simply reporting on the facts in our search to answer the question--Is Monero the truest cryptocurrency of them all? In staying true to the Monero ethos, we aim to always be skeptical. While we are Monero Talk by name, and Monero devotees at heart, the intention of the show is to ultimately discover and support the one blockchain that is most aligned with the original cypherpunk and crypto-anarchist ideals that cryptocurrency was born from. And the one that is most likely to succeed at becoming true digital cash. So far, we believe Monero is the one.

Guests include:
The developers and researchers working on the open source core protocol and the cryptography behind it;
The people building the projects and infrastructure supporting the protocol;
Privacy advocates and people building privacy enhancing technologies;
Analysts and investors speculating on Monero's growth;
Journalists and pundits weighing in on Monero's place in the crypto-sphere; and
Respected (sometimes controversial) contributors and community members.

If you enjoyed the show & would like to support us, a donation of any size would be greatly appreciated and would mean so much!

Monero (XMR) Donation Address:

Monero Talk on social media


  • Randy Brito: Locha Mesh

    May 9th, 2020  |  56 mins 45 secs
    bitcoin, blockchain, crypto, cryptocurrency, decentralized, lochamesh, monero, moneronews, privacy, privacycoin, randybrito, technology, xmr, xmrnews

    TODAY'S 🎙SHOW: Douglas Tuman chats with Randy Brito, Co-founder and CEO of Locha Mesh.

  • Justin Ehrenhofer: On Monero Means Money

    May 1st, 2020  |  22 mins 53 secs
    bitcoin, blockchain, crypto, cryptocurrency, decentralized, justinehrenhofer, monero, moneromeansmoney, moneronews, privacy, privacycoin, technology, xmr, xmrnews

    Justin Ehrenhofer: On Monero Means Money

  • Roger Ver: Monero & Running for Office

    April 28th, 2020  |  50 mins 40 secs
    bitcoin,, blockchain, crypto, cryptocurrency, decentralized, douglastuman, monero, moneronews, ny04, privacy, privacycoin, rogerver, technology, xmr, xmrnews

    TODAY'S 🎙SHOW: Douglas Tuman chats with Roger Ver about Monero and running for office.

  • ANARCHAPULCO PART 3: Naomi Brockwell: Competition Is Good For The Ecosystem

    April 9th, 2020  |  27 mins 40 secs
    anarchapulco, anarchapulco2020, bitcoin, blockchain, crypto, cryptocurrency, cryptopulco, cryptopulco2020, decentralized, monero, moneronews, naomibrockwell, nbtv, privacy, privacycoin, technology, xmr, xmrnews

    TODAY'S 🎙SHOW: In part 3 of our Anarchapulco series, Douglas Tuman chats with Naomi Brockwell, host of a technology and blockchain youtube show nbtv, about how competition is good for the cryptocurrency ecosystem.

  • ANARCHAPULCO PART 2: Rafael LaVerde: The Virtues of Monero vs. The Virtues of BSV

    March 31st, 2020  |  47 mins 9 secs
    anarchapulco, anarchapulco2020, bitcoin, blockchain, crypto, cryptocurrency, cryptopulco, cryptopulco2020, cryptovigilante, decentralized, dollarvigilante, monero, moneronews, privacy, privacycoin, rafaellaverde, technology, xmr, xmrnews

    TODAY'S 🎙SHOW: In part 2 of our Anarchapulco series, Douglas Tuman chats with Rafael LaVerde of The Crypto Vigilante on the virtues of Monero vs. the virtues of BSV

  • ANARCHAPULCO PART 1: Brock Pierce: The Power of Community

    March 27th, 2020  |  22 mins 27 secs
    anarchapulco, anarchapulco2020, bitcoin, blockchain, brockjpierce, brockpierce, crypto, cryptocurrency, cryptopulco, cryptopulco2020, decentralized, monero, moneronews, privacy, privacycoin, puertorico, puertoricoblockchain, puertoricocrypto, puertoricocryptocurrency, technology, xmr, xmrnews

    ANARCHAPULCO PART 1: Brock Pierce: The Power of Community

  • Desi-Rae: The Importance of Privacy

    March 19th, 2020  |  1 hr 2 mins
    bitcoin, blockchain, crypto, cryptocurrency, decentralized, desirae, monero, moneronews, privacy, privacycoin, technology, xmr, xmrnews

    Desi-Rae of Crypto Ramble: The Importance of Privacy

  • Lawrence H. White - Does the U.S. Need a National Digital Currency?

    March 9th, 2020  |  50 mins 36 secs
    bitcoin, blockchain, crypto, cryptocurrency, decentralized, digitalcash, drlawrencehwhite, drlawrencewhite, larrywhite, lawrencehwhite, lawrencewhite, monero, moneronews, privacy, privacycoin, technology, xmr, xmrnews

    Lawrence H. White - Does the U.S. Need a National Digital Currency?

  • Paul Shapiro CEO & Lead Dev at MyMonero

    March 1st, 2020  |  1 hr 14 mins
    bitcoin, blockchain, crypto, cryptocurrency, decentralized, fluffypony, monero, moneronews, mymonero, privacy, privacycoin, technology, xmr, xmrnewspaulshapiro

    TODAY'S 🎙SHOW: Chowbungaman chats with Paul Shapiro CEO - lead dev at MyMonero about Improving Monero Usability with MyMonero.

  • 36C3 PART 5: OME on Sharp Forks & Francisco "Articmine" Cabanas on Monero’s Adaptive Block Weight

    February 24th, 2020  |  54 mins 4 secs
    alejandroavilés, alejandroomeavilés, articmine, bitcoin, blockchain, blockweight, crypto, cryptocurrency, decentralized, franciscoarticminecabanas, franciscocabanas, monero, moneroadaptiveblockweight, moneronews, ome, privacy, privacycoin, sharpforks, technology, xmr, xmrnews

    36C3 PART 5: OME on Sharp Forks & Francisco "Articmine" Cabanas on Monero’s Adaptive Block Weight

  • 36C3 PART 4: Alexis Roussel, Gregor Ĺ˝avcer & Sergey Simanovsky

    February 10th, 2020  |  52 mins 43 secs
    alexisroussel, bitcoin, blockchain, crypto, cryptocurrency, cybercongress., decentralized, digitalintegrity, fairdatasociety, gregorĹľavcer, monero, moneronews, privacy, privacycoin, sergeysimanovsky, technology, xmr, xmrnews

    TODAY'S 🎙SHOW: In Part 4 of our 36C3 Interview series, Chowbungaman chats with Alexis Roussel about digital integrity, Gregor Žavcer about Fair Data Society & Sergey Simanovsky about Cyber Congress

  • Monero Coffee Chat - 2020.02.08

    February 8th, 2020  |  1 hr 9 mins
    bitcoin, blockchain, crypto, cryptocurrency, decentralized, monero, monerocoffeechat, moneronews, privacy, privacycoin, technology, xmr, xmrnews

    Monero Coffee Chat - 2020.02.08

  • Monero in China: Becky Huang, Scott and Jindouyun. Plus a quick update: Cake Wallet for Android

    February 5th, 2020  |  1 hr 46 mins
    beckyhuang, bitcoin, blockchain, cakewallet, cakewalletandroid, chinamonero, crypto, cryptocurrency, decentralized, jindouyun, monero, moneroinchina, moneronews, privacy, privacycoin, scott, technology, vikrantsharma, viksharma, xmr, xmrnews

    Monero in China: Becky Huang, Scott and Jindouyun. Plus a quick update: Cake Wallet for Android

  • 36C3 PART 3: Dr. Daniel Kim on Fiat, Bitcoin & Monero

    January 24th, 2020  |  45 mins 53 secs
    36c3, bitcoin, blockchain, criticaldecentralizedcluster, crypto, cryptocurrency, danielkim, decentralized, drdanielkim, monero, moneronews, privacy, privacycoin, technology, xmr, xmrnews

    In Part 3 of our 36C3 Interview series, Chowbungaman chats with Dr. Daniel Kim of Sweetwater Digital Asset Consultingabout Fiat, Bitcoin and Monero.

  • 36C3 PART 2: Alexandre Poltorak and Steve Jain

    January 20th, 2020  |  50 mins 16 secs
    36c3, alexandrepoltopoltorak, alexandrepoltorak, bitcoin, blockchain, criticaldecentralizedcluster, crypto, cryptocurrency, decentralized, m52go, monero, moneronews, polto, privacy, privacycoin, stevejain, swisscryptoeconomicsassembly, technology, xmr, xmrnews

    In Part 2 of our 36c3 Interview series, we interviewed Alexandre"Polto" Poltorak on privacy preserving KYC & crypto-AML tools and Steve "m52go" Jain on bisq's new dispute resolution system.

  • Monero Coffee Chat - 2020.01.18

    January 18th, 2020  |  1 hr 17 mins
    bitcoin, blockchain, crypto, cryptocurrency, decentralized, monero, monerocoffeechat, moneronews, privacy, privacycoin, technology, xmr, xmrnews

    Monero Coffee Chat - 2020.01.18